How many steps are there to the entrance?
There are no steps to the reception at Croft. There are accessible shower facilities in the Pool/Gym Changing Village.
How many holiday homes for hire have ramp access and a spacious interior?
None of the holiday homes to hire at Croft have ramp access, although all of the holiday homes have spacious and uncluttered interiors. We strongly recommend chatting to our booking team if you have any mobility questions via 01834 860315.
Are there bedrooms adapted for wheelchair use?
There are no holiday homes to hire which have been adapted for wheelchair users at Croft at present.
Are assistance dogs welcome?
Visitors are more than welcome to bring assistance dogs to Croft.
Can wheelchairs be hired?
Although wheelchairs cannot be hired from the site itself, there is a facility in a nearby town which hires out both manual and electric chairs.
Are staff trained in disability awareness?
Many of the staff at Croft have been trained in disability awareness, and there is an ongoing training programme.
Is accessible information available? large print brochures - audio - Braille?
We have tried to make all of our literature and web sites accessible to all, however, upon request we can send out large print versions.